A wall hanging in the shape of a banner.
It has beads and sequins. Is stitched in places with hologram filament to make it sparkle and padded out trapunto style to fatten up the peacock but not too much ............. the ripple effect is deliberate!
The silk taffeta backing has been invisibly (I hope) slip stitched in place and the heart bead tassel designed and made especially to suit.
Not my thing at all..............I love wonky, rustic, country, casual, comfortable, quick and easy............................but I had to prove to myself I could do it.
You see I had a little crisis of confidence a few weeks back, too much listening to criticism ............this week I felt strong enough to take up the challenge.

Well done, don't listen to peoples criticism and go with what feels right.
Have a great Sunday
Well my goodness you ROCKED that challenge - this is really stunning! WTG Sue! I hate critics, especially the ones that can never say anything nice. I know people say don't listen, but you can't help it!
Very pretty. Yep don't listen to other people you know what is right. Charmaine
Well - there is no doubt that YOU CAN DO IT.... the peacock is outstanding..... I have no idea what a critic could criticize - I love your work.....
Big hugz
Not my style either but you blitzed it, awesome stuff! You can do anything you want, so can I, most of the time... :o)
I think this wall hanging is beautiful-------- if this is a sample of your work on something that is not your 'thing' I know I will have fun looking at your blog. Thank you for sharing via the internet. Gerrie
Ignore the critics, many of them are simply jealous!
Nice work. I agree with the others that you should ignore the criticism and create what is pleasing to you.
Your wallhanging is gorgeous. It is elegant. So would you do this kind of thing again?
Good on you for challenging yourself. Looks to me like you did a great job!
Looks better in real life. Great job Sue.
Maybe you could do a TUTORIAL on it!!!
You go girl! This is fabulous. Do your own thing always, consider comments only in the light of how if fits in to doing your own thing...
PS I like applique stitching that shows, naughty me...
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