Monday, 10 June 2013

A Quilter's Heaven

I knew when we got to Kentucky there would be quilts.
But is was my plan to get across to Paducah, home of The National Quilt Museum and Hancock's of Paducah.........a place that had seen my money thanks to on line shopping but I had never seen it.
The signs were there......
But they were so far apart..........
We knew it was coming...........
But the traffic was soooooo slow!
Eventually we could see it........this sign is huge and we found it easily.........time to shop....
Some fun Americana fabrics to make a trip quilt as a souvenir.
Green fried tomatoes, crawfish, coffee and burgers. Trees and leaves, red barns and flags, so many little reminders.
Then off to the National Quilt Museum.
Lots of photos from cameras allowed inside.
i should have been so inspired.
The quilts are amazing, the work incredible, like nothing I have seen before.........
I was blown away and even the bloke was enjoying himself amongst all the quilty treasures.
Instead of feeling I could come home and try this and that I just felt FLAT!
There is no way I could ever master those perfect tiny stitches.
My quilts don't even come close to this and they never will. Why do I even bother trying?
A Crisis of Confidence has struck me.
Paducah is a beautiful town, filled with art and history, quilts and beauty...........
I hope I can recover.


Maria said...

Oh yes I recognise that sign.. It's just like the newsletters header...
You shouldn't feel flat after seeing all the beautiful quilts as everyone creates their own beautiful work.. ask the Grandies...
Love the Barn and Leadlight.....

Anonymous said...

You brought back memories! As much as I loved Paducah I didn't think I would revisit, but your photos may have changed my mind. Hancocks didn't impress me, and I didn't buy anything when we visited *grin*. I don't know why, I think the warehouse atmosphere turned me off (?) I know that 'not good enough' feeling, but wouldn't it be boring if we all were that perfect LOL. The double sided quilt, if it's still there, was amazing and left me speechless! toni xx

Fiona said...

lovely pictures... I enjoyed the anticipation leading up to getting to paducah...

Liz said...

Gorgeous photos Sue and I've seen your quilts (remember I have one you quilted for me) and there's nothing wrong with them AT ALL. Just enjoy the rest of your trip and take inspiration from everything you see and experience....
See you in August..?

Jaye said...

I hope you read old comments...I am just now seeing your blog adventures...Yes, the quilts at Paducah are wonderful, but don't ever put down your own work!! The main point is not to "be the best"...but to be the best YOU can be!!!! And to take pleasure in what YOU do, not to compare it to others!!