and the women of the little town arise with joy in their hearts.
As the women approach the work table the sun slips behind a cloud and a dark gloom descends over them all.
What is this? During the night something terrible has happened.......a rampant vine with cruel thorns has grown across their fine work, birds nests and tangles have appeared.
Caught up in the glorious silver gossamer and velvet cloth the wings of sinister creatures are lying.
Wasps and hornets have held battle amongst the threads, remnants of their bodies lying gruesomely amid the debris.
The women of the town cry bitter tears of despair.
Whatever has caused this to happen?
As they watch bewildered and afraid the vine begins to move, it becomes even more fierce and snakelike tendrils reach out to smother the delicate stitches.
The women are so afraid, they run screaming to their homes seeking the safety of their families. Princess Elizabeth can't help them now. She has returned to her home in the shimmering City of the South and the poor women of the town are left alone with the wicked vine as it snarls and tangles around their fingers.
Whatever will become of them...................................
Mmmmmmmm!!!!! Interesting.
Right Oh when is the book coming out!!!
Looks very interesting in deed, can't wait to see more...
Please ma'am, can I have some more?
Sue tell us more !
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