Life is pretty quiet at the moment. Small things amuse me.
The bloke spent a short time in his shed this morning making this for me.
No, not the rulers but the rack to hold them. Another little gadget to help me be tidy.
He didn't want to make it, he procrastinated and put it off, hoping i would forget. Years went by, he even found them for sale in quilting shops and encouraged me to buy one. No, not good enough, I wanted an original made with his own fair hands.
This one is the best....all my rulers fit nicely, he stained the timber my favourite colour and routered the edge in the nicest pattern. He's such a good bloke, I might have to keep him after all.
Sometimes it's the smallest things that keep us happy... your new stand is wonderful.... clever bloke you have..
Just loved this little story Sue....Aye..a truly Good Bloke you have there methinks.!!!!!!
well worth the wait and the occasional reminder.
such a nifty gadget.
The Bloke is indeed a good guy. I wish I were handy with such things as a saw and router. I am not so I sew and paint and do other things.
What a good bloke!
It makes it extra special since it was made with his own hands.
Yep, better keep him! I probably could be tidier with one of those too, wonder if mine will make one..? Hmm, we'll see..
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